Please contact me at your earliest convenience. We need to talk. James Roguski 310-619-3055



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Well for starters the Caduceus Stalk with the snake (an ancient Hermetic symbol)is super imposed over the earth m.However it looks very different.

Possibly in preparation of a series of global events.

The symbol of wheat is slightly more complicated than a plagerized hermetic symbol.Wheat flour was dumped on the upper body head and torso of those who where to be sacrificed,wheat is a sysmbol of reserrection and is connected to the underworld.From its seeds it returns every year. Now if you look at wheat in the 21st century is completly adulterated and genetically modified. It is in this case more of a show of control over ancient paradigm “Let food be thy medicine”.

The symbol itself it a representation of trying to take complete control over Food production and availibility and medical aparthidism.It is a sysmbol of tyranical homicidal control of the masses under the guise of

“let us tell you when you need a new updated experimental vaccination and when and how much food and water you can consume.”

And let us not forget here that WE ARE THE CARBON they want to get rid of through their hybridized human capital gains while putting a limit on our credit cards on how much we can spend.

These are the same people who just flew in on 400+ private jets to the world summit COP meeting in Egypt in Dec.

Not to mention flying in private chets and exotic meats from all over the world to Egypt.

These are the billionare behind the new sybolism you seek a definition of. They want you to do as they say not as they do. Different rules for the billionare class.

This will be the bane of the 21st century class warefare for basic medical and nutritional needs.brother against brother is what they want. So we fight amongst ourselves.

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Move over, Gates. King Charles ווו is emerging to take the reigns of power. Klaus Schwab already reports to him. It was Prince Charles who invented and announced the phrases "6uild 6ack 6etter" and The Great Reset, not Schwab.

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what else does their logo tells us??..

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