Oct 29, 2022Liked by RevealedEye

Yea, but now the tables have been turned. The vatican, england and these familia have all been stripped of their stealings and power. The gold is gone and these fucked up evil families are disappearing including the pesudos. The whole structure is starting to look like old twin towers that bush and his family took down. These clowns are done and all will be executed before US midterms. Freedom and liberty will reign across the world once these minions are terminated. Then it is GOD's turn, and woe to them that hurt HIS children, WOE!

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Oct 24, 2022Liked by RevealedEye

The demons off the Earth in action💪🏾💪🏾💪🏾

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Oh, judging by the Founders comments on ***central banks,*** and how they actually set up the Constitution, they UNDERSTOOD COMPLETELY.

Their genius is unsurpassed in history, because it was derived from Biblical wisdom. The Constitution does not contravene the laws of God. It was based on them. No man is perfect, but they succeeded beyond anything attained in the entire history of the world.

btw, the Founders saw democracy as anarchy and mob rule. They created a Federalist REPUBLIC. Just sayin.

*We* (subsequent generations) have perverted the Constitution, ignored it, and twisted it, in so many ways. That is just a fact.

In truth, we are no different from ancient Israel. We will fall for the exact same reasons, and history is repeating itself right now.


Moses taught the law to all.

So how did they fall when they started out with God's law?

1) They CHOSE to walk away from God.

2) They CHOSE to stop teaching their children of God.

3) They allowed their country/society to be overrun by foreigners, polluting and destroying it.

Sound familiar? It should. We are they.

The problem wasn't with God's law, obviously. Anymore than our problems are with the Constitution.

The problem is WE CHOSE TO WALK AWAY.

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Agreed with all except that monarchy heads the Committee of 300 https://JAHTruth.net/300 of which the Rothschilds are a major player, and all Reg-istrations in all BAR (British Accreditation Countries) judicial countries is to the Rex/Regina (Latin for king/queen), and we know for example that the lands of UK, Canada, Australia, Papua New Guinea etc., etc., belong to the British monarch, amongst so many other things and all registered things, that monarchy way outstrips the Rothschilds in wealth and power. The Rothschilds are monarchy's frontmen for a substantial cut of course. Monarchy's signature (Royal Assent) holds the key to the legislation that allows interest/ usury, so they own it all, and the banks are their collection agents etc., etc., https://deuteronomy4verse2.wordpress.com/2022/10/11/170-reg-istered-means-given-to-the-rex-regina-latin-for-king-queen/

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The creature from jekyll Island

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Sir. Lincoln ran on the Whig ticket and stated he was for a national bank

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Just breathed a sigh of relief that my Swedish bank isn't on that list! But, this is horrifying. Every free thinking individual in every nation needs to find ways to fight back against this.

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Two more books by John Perkins (Confessions of an Economic Hitman): 'The New Confessions of an Economic Hitman' (2016) and 'Hoodwinked' (2009)

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False: They do not own the bank of canada

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This is very good if you want to understand Central Banks:


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500 trillion of funny money that the rest of us believe is real.

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It would be great if there was evidence to back up such a list. How are banks in Communist countries 'controlled by the Rothschilds'?

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